Описание к v6.59d * Fixed some item exploits
* Fixed a rare memory related bug * Temporarily changed switch voting system. It requires 100% of the vote for now. There will be a better -switch implementation in the next version or two * Fixed a few other misc bug/exploits
6.60 is still in very active development. I will try to post more updates about it when it gets closer to release. If you have any suggestions you'd like to offer for it, please email me and let me know. На кнопке "Скачать с сервера" лежит Dota 6.43b AI + 1.5 На кнопке "Скачать удалённо" лежит DotA Allstars v6.59d Инструкция по установке: необходимо, чтобы название файла было примерно как DotA Allstars v6.43.w3x, затем копировать файл в папку, например, C:\Game\warcraft\Maps\Download\ (в папку \Maps\Download\ в корне)